Bharat Bhasin, 1977-2005

If you have any photographs of Bharat that you’d like to share, please send them to bharatbhasin(at), with few lines about where it was taken and how you knew him, and anything else you’d like to write, and we’ll post them onto this blog.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Bharat was a good friend and a truly wonderful guy

"Bharat was a good friend and a truly wonderful guy.
I was shocked and numbed when I heard the news of Bharat's passing. I have been spending the last 3 hours contemplating. He was truly a wonderful guy with a great sense of humour, and a good friend too. I met him first at IPM 98 (Int'l President's Meet) in freezing cold Slovakia where I was new to international conferences and he was already a veteran. We duly elected him as the Asia-Pacific regional chair. What truly amazed me was his strong work ethics and great sense of humour. And that laughter - you can hear it 2 floors down!

It was a great one-year - he expressed good leadership during work, and when it came to party time, he didn't disappoint either. Trust him to make an Alcoholic Fruit Punch! We all parted ways at IPM 99 in Taiwan.But I hosted a reunion for AIESEC Presidents of our year in 2001 in Singapore & Malaysia when Bharat came over for 2 days and stayed at my place. We had a hilarious time, and that was the last time I saw him. There's another reunion this year where we will do something in his remembrance. I can go on and on but let me end with this sloka
Om, Asadhoma Satgamaya, Damasoma Jothigamaya, Mridhyorma Amrithamgamaya. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti he".

Thanneermalai Lakshmanan, MCP AIESEC in Malaysia 1998-99


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