Bharat Bhasin, 1977-2005

If you have any photographs of Bharat that you’d like to share, please send them to bharatbhasin(at), with few lines about where it was taken and how you knew him, and anything else you’d like to write, and we’ll post them onto this blog.

Monday, August 08, 2005

He will live in our memories always...

"My heart is so heavy in writing this... the memories of IPM'98 in Slovakia (where I first met with Bharat) was still fresh as if it was happened yesterday. I still remembered clearly so many cheerful moments during all the AIESEC conferences that we gather together.... like our first AP president meeting and we laughed at my poor pronunciation on Bharat's name, learning the AP dance, shouting "AP-IS-HOT TO GO, H-O-T-T-O-G-O....", making roll-calls, etc etc etc. Bharat has been one of the out-spoken NCPs among the AP!

My last met with Bharat was in Hong Kong and we were wandering around my campus before he left. The promise "We'll meet again sometime, somewhere" made at that time can never be realised now... It's really sad to learn our beloved friend has left us. Yet, his laughter and the moments we spent together will always be with us. My dear friend, Bharat, may you rest in peace."

Stella Poon
NCP of AIESEC-HK 98/99


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